Writing Analytics

Reference: Xiong, W., Litman, D. J., & Schunn, C. D. (2012). Natural language processing techniques for researching and improving peer feedback. Journal of Writing Research, 4(2), 155-176. Background: Feedback on […]

Photo by Nicolas Lannuzel For the last week I’ve been in Singapore, at the 12th International Conference of the Learning Sciences. I kicked off the week as a respondent on […]

I’m planning to do some work with students to encourage them to think about genre in their profession. (NB: See comment on this post for outcome of an activity based […]

It’s a sign of the times that we now have two independently organised workshops on Writing Analytics in 2016, connecting two sister communities to the topic with their slightly different […]

What types of writing do professionals engage in? What professional practices of writing should students entering those professions encounter? How can we support development of appropriate professional writing skills?  These […]

One of the things I’m thinking about at the moment is how we analyse student writing and present those analyses as feedback. In the context of our work on rhetorical […]